Our Services: Home Trials & Expertise
What services do we offer? Home Trials and expertise.
For one, we will assist you as much as you’d like in finding the rugs that are perfect for you and offer free in-home trials.
If you’d care for us to visit your home to get an idea of what sizes are appropriate and what would be attractive with your decor we are happy to (at no charge).
In the event that you bring samples of upholstery, pictures of your home, or anything else that can indicate which rugs might be ideal we’ll walk you through our selection and show you what might be beautiful.
Also, you’re welcome to view any rug or rugs that we have at home overnight in order to see if you like them.
In the greater St. Louis area we deliver heavy rugs free of charge. Home trial is very important with rugs.
Even rugs that look perfect with one’s fabrics and whatnot at our showroom often don’t work at home. They can surprise one by looking too dark at night, washing out in sunny rooms, having designs that are too large or small to work with other patterns in the house, not being the right style for a space, etc. I marvel at how someone could purchase a rug without seeing it at home. When we moved into our home I brought rug after rug home before finding the right ones. Bare in mind, since 1997 I’ve worked with some of the best interior designers to determine what rugs are appropriate for a given home. I of all people should have been able to “hit the nail on the head” easily.
Sometimes two rugs are lovely in a space but one clearly outshines the other.
Buying rugs via auction or the internet make this kind of comparison all but impossible. Yes, shipping to you might be free, but are you prepared to bring in five or more rugs to see in each room? You could end up paying to ship them all back or keeping a rug that is attractive but doesn’t really have the “wow!” factor that another would.
We can advise you regarding the quality of each rug and how it should fare in given traffic areas. I meet people on a weekly (if not daily) basis who purchased a rug without the help of the kind of expertise we offer. When the rug does nothing but shed or wears poorly and has to be tossed out they are not happy and have no recourse. There’s no substitution for taking advantage of the expertise of one who knows quite a bit about rugs, can help you determine what rug might look stunning in a room, offers free delivery of rugs to see in a space, and is always just a phone call away.